Interview with Salvatore Attanasio, fourth generation of the Attanasio family, sfogliatelle’s producers since 1930. Salvatore tells us how the “Antico forno Attansio” was born and how his passion was born underlining how, despite almost one hundred years have passed since the opening of the “Antico forno Attanasio” they kept its original style and they preserved sfogliatelle’s taste.

Interiew by:Gabriella Vittoria
Video by: Mariluce Mazziotti, Nicla Giappone
Video Editing by: Mariluce Mazziotti, Nicla Giappone
Document by: Nicla Giappone, Mariluce Mazziotti
Subtitle ita/eng by: Gabriella Vittoria, Morena Liberato, Giulia Buonagura
Translation by: Gabriella Vittoria, Morena Liberato, Giulia Buonagura
MedEatResarch – Center of Social Research on the Mediterranean Diet of the University of Naples Suor Orsola Benincasa, head by Marino Niola and Elisabetta Moro
Realized: 08/05/2024

Salvatore Attanasio

Salvatore Attanasio

Year: 18/09/1997
City: Naples
Education: High school scientific diploma
Profession: Entrepreneur
Language: Italian

Video table of contents

00:00:31 The history of the ancient Attanasio bakery
00:00:57 An innate passion
00:01:21 How is Neapolitan sfogliatella made?
00:01:46 The production
00:02:30 What distinguishes Attanasio's sfogliatella from others
00.03.00 The style of the ancient Attanasio oven
00:03:34 Tradition or Innovation?
00:04:04 Effects of the tourism boom in Naples
00:05:06 Curly or shortcrust?

Geographic information

Country: IT
Region: Campania
Città: Napoli
Altitude: 17 m s.l.m.

Links and attachements